
High-quality products with low impact on the environment

Diversity & inclusion
Diversity & inclusion

We recognize your uniqueness and individuality

Oriental designs
Oriental designs

Unique designs inspired 
by our Central Asian roots


Production without compromising the ability of future generations

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yoga & lifestyle products for a better future

At Samarali we are all about making exciting sports products with the environment in mind. We use our customer feedback (that’s your feedback!) to actively change and evolve our products, constantly reminding ourselves that we’re not just doing it for ourselves but also for the planet that we’re living upon. This is what we aim to accomplish with Samarali – working together with you, our customers, to create the products you love, caring about the future we share!

Best regards, Samarali

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about us

Being passionate about yoga I found it difficult to find sustainable yoga products that could help to progress my exercises. There is how I decided to start-up a business where I can create beautiful yoga tools with unique Central Asian designs that won’t harm nature. I set myself a target that these goods should either be biodegradable or at least recyclable. However, this is not where it all ends. Just like learning a new sport (or asana) we will continuously explore opportunities to improve one step at a time. We strive to create yoga products that are not only high-quality and sustainable, but also hark back to our own roots with eye-catching designs.

This principle is two-fold; not only do we keep the designs of our Central-Asian background in place and do we support eco-charities, part of our profit will also be invested in supporting orphans from Uzbekistan to have a better life and education. After all, apart from our planet, children are our future! See you soon.

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The best thing about a monochrome colour scheme
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